2014年是中国微波遥感发展的四十周年。中国微波遥感四十年的发展是推动现代科技发展和改变人类生活的重要里程碑事件之一,值得铭记和庆贺。根据十八大精神,此次活动谨以“中国微波遥感四十年” 系列报告会的形式,回顾、总结和展望中国微波遥感的历史、现状和未来发展。
时 间:2014年3月11日(星期二)上午8:30—12:00
地 点:九章大厦十层学术报告厅
08:30-09:30 星载微波辐射计——过去、现在和未来 张升伟研究员
09:30-10:30 Signal Processing Approach to Realizing Enhanced Resolution from Imaging Systems Such as Lenses Prof. Raj Mittra
10:40-11:40 卫星雷达高度计技术 许可研究员
Raj Mittra is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering department of the Pennsylvania State University, where he is the Director of the Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory. Prior to joining Penn State he was a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign from 1957 through 1996, when he moved to his present position at the Penn State University.
He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a Past-President of AP-S, and he has served as the Editor of the Transactions of the Antennas and Propagation Society. He won the Guggenheim Fellowship Award in 1965, the IEEE Centennial Medal in 1984, and the IEEE Millennium medal in 2000. Other honors include the IEEE/AP-S Distinguished Achievement Award in 2002, the Chen-To Tai Education Award in 2004 and the IEEE Electromagnetics Award in 2006, and the IEEE James H. Mulligan Award in 2011.
Dr. Mittra specializes in the design of electromagnetic systems such as radars, satellite antennas, communication systems, microwave and millimeter wave integrated circuits and instruments for remote sensing and geophysical prospecting. His role in the design of these systems is primarily in the development of special-purpose computer programs and algorithms that are capable of solving problems that are well beyond the reach of commercially available computer codes.
He has published over 1000 technical papers and more than 30 books or book chapters on various topics related to Electromagnetics, Antennas, Microwaves and Electronic Packaging. He is one of the top highly-cited researchers in Electromagnetics, as evidenced by the Citation index compiled by Thomson Scientific, Google and others. He has advised more than 125 Ph.D. and an equal number of M.S. thesis students over the years, and has mentored more than 60 postdocs. He also has three patents on Communication Antennas to his credit. For the last 15 years he has directed, as well as lectured in, numerous short-course on Computational Electromagnetics, Electronic packaging, Wireless Antennas, RFID, Metamaterials, etc., both nationally and internationally. He has also served on a number of government panels on antenna designs and evaluation of Computational Electromagnetics codes.
Hosted by Prof. Yunhua Zhang (张云华研究员)