
(11月25日)X-ray Millisecond Pulsar Timing


1、题 目:Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory;Pulsar Population

时 间:2011年11月25日(周五), 上午10:00-11:00

地 点:九章大厦海王星厅

报告人:Valery Malofeev教授,俄罗斯普希诺天文台

Lebedev Physical Institute is a cradle of Russian radio astronomy. The facilities and science of PRAO are presented.

The brief review of pulsar population at the radio and x-ray band is reported.

2、题目:Pulsar Timing

时 间:2011年11月25日(周五), 下午2:00-3:20

地 点:九章大厦海王星厅

报告人:Aleksandr Rodin博士,俄罗斯普希诺天文台

Classical procedure of pulsar timing in radio and X-ray range is considered. Timing results of two radio pulsars PSR B0950+08 and B1929+10 at Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory are presented.

3、题目:Radio Observations of Anomalous Pulsars (AXPs&XDINSs)

时 间:2011年11月25日(周五), 下午3:30-5:00

地 点:九章大厦海王星厅

报告人:Daria Teplykh博士,俄罗斯普希诺天文台

We report the results of observations of three anomalous X-ray pulsars: 1Е 2259+586, 4U 0142+61, and ХТЕ J1810–197 and two XDINSs (X-ray Dim Isolated NS): 1RXS J2143.7+065419 and 1RXS J130848.6+212708. The observations were carried out on high-sensitivity radio telescopes of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory: the LPA at 111MHz and the DKR-1000 at 62 and 40 MHz.
