




题目:Magnetoseismology: A seismologist’s approach to investigate magnetospheric phenomena

主讲人:Peter Chi
UCLA and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Magnetoseismology is a relatively young research field that uses the observations of magnetic field perturbations to infer the content of magnetospheric plasma and the characteristics of impulsive phenomena.  Similar to terrestrial and helio seismologies, magnetoseismology can be practiced in two different fashions–one based on the normal modes and the other wave travel time.  Motivated by the advances in observing field line resonance signals, rapid progress has been made in normal-mode magnetoseismology in the last decade.  Travel-time magnetoseismology, on the other hand, is a newly conceived concept, promising a new way to explore the plasma density distribution and the source location of impulsive events.  In this presentation I will give a brief overview on the two magnetoseismic methods and how they have helped further our understanding about plasmasphere-ionosphere coupling and substorm onsets.
