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2013-03-11 | 【     】【打印】【关闭





报告人:Clezio Marcos De Nardin博士,巴西国家空间研究院高层大气研究学部副主任、巴西空间天气计划倡导人、负责人

Clezio Marcos De Nardin, cited as DENARDINI, C. M., earned his electrical engineering degree in 1996 at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) and his Space Science PhD in 2003 at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), where he is currently working as a researcher. His major field is Space Geophysics with focus in the Equatorial Aeronomy in which he had advised Master and Undergraduate scientific projects. He had published 20 international articles in indexed journals, published 28 articles in proceeding of scientific congresses, presented 100 reports in scientific events and published 1 didactic article and some articles of scientific divulgation. He had developed 1 technological product and 3 softwares. He had participated in the international cooperation among INPE, the Air Force Philips Laboratory (AFPL) and the UFSM (INPE / AFPL / UFSM). He had earned 4 scientific awards.

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