题 目:Sudden Stratospheric Warming in Mid-latitude?
时 间:2011年11月21日(周一), 上午9:30
地 点:九章大厦土星厅
报告人:Chiao-Yao She教授, 美国科罗拉多州立大学物理系
Abstract:We present observations at Fort Collins (40.6ºN, 105ºW) of the diurnal mean wind and temperature in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region (80-100 km) during the major Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in 2009. We deduce their anomalous behaviors in connection with this event. The mean wind and temperature measurements, made with the Colorado State University (CSU) sodium Doppler wind temperature lidar reveal that the mean temperature at 80 km is about 30 K lower than the climatological mean, while the mean zonal wind ranges between ~ -10 to 0 m/s from 80 to 97 km and before turn eastward above, which is almost opposite to its climatological characteristic. We use observations from the TIMED-SABER satellite observations and simulations from the SP-WACCM model to investigate the global perspectives of this dynamical anomaly observed at Fort Collins. The observations and model reveal that the anomaly associated with the 2009 SSW, with major disturbances in the stratosphere and mesosphere, indeed have extended from the polar region to Fort Collins. These simultaneous wind- and temperature-lidar observations document the direct impact of a major SSW on the dynamic and thermal circulation of the mid-latitude MLT.