主讲人:Prof. Iain REID:B.Sc. (Hons I), PhD, DSc, FAIP, Senior Member of IEEE 讲座一: 报告题目:Atmospheric Radar hardware 报告时间:2009年6月22(星期一)上午9:00–11:30 讲座二: 报告题目:Atmospheric Radar Techniques 报告时间:2009年6月23(星期二)上午9:00–11:30 讲座三: 报告题目:Radar and optical observations of the middle atmosphere 报告时间:2009年6月24(星期三)上午9:00–11:30 讲座一、二、三地点: 中科院大气物理研究所科研楼303室 讲座四: 报告题目:General Observational techniques for the middle atmosphere 报告时间:2009年6月25(星期四)上午9:00-11:30 讲座五: 报告题目:Optical techniques for observations of the middle atmosphere 报告时间:2009年6月25(星期四)下午2:00-4:30 讲座六: 报告题目:The dynamics of the middle atmosphere 报告时间:2009年6月26(星期五)上午9:00-11:30 讲座四、五、六地点: 中科院空间科学与应用研究中心九章大厦四层天王星厅 
专家简介: Prof. Iain REID: B.Sc. (Hons I), PhD, DSc, FAIP, Senior Member of IEEE Professor Reid has over 25 years experience in the area of remote sensing of the atmosphere using both radar and optical techniques. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics, and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is the Australian Discipline Representative for the International Scientific Committee on Solar and Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and is Chair of the Australian Institute of Physics National Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics. He is a Professor of Physics in the School of Chemistry and Physics at the University of Adelaide, and the author of 125 scientific and technical papers, 148 conference presentations, and 50 invited presentations. He is the Executive Director of ATRAD group of companies and has been a company director for more than 14 years. He has been a board member for a number of University related companies. |